Evacuation Expense Coverage

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Your OpenRoad policy includes Evacuation Expense Coverage, which helps to cover relocation costs when safeguarding your vehicle during a hurricane or other covered events. This program also covers the expenses related to temporarily storing your collector car for up to 180 days. Evacuation Expense Coverage is in addition to our standard Emergency Roadside Support & Towing Reimbursement coverage.
Imagine your home is in the path of a hurricane or similar peril, putting your collector vehicle at risk for damage. You've got a lot on your mind and probably some unexpected costs ahead of you. OpenRoad will help cover the expenses related to safeguarding your vehicle including relocation and storage for up to 180 days.
Common Questions About Evacuation Expense Coverage
How much coverage is provided?
Your OpenRoad Evacuation Expense Coverage offers $1500 per incident to help you with the costs related to moving and temporarily storing your covered vehicle.
Is there a lifetime limit?
Over the course of your policy, the overall maximum payout for evacuation expenses is limited to $10,000.
What would I have to do?
Your peace of mind is our priority, so we keep it simple. OpenRoad simple requires you to provide evidence of your expenses, like receipts, to be eligible for reimbursement.